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Atomic Energy Junior College - A name that hit the headlines recently. The names of sixteen students appeared in the board merit list this year. Apart from boasting of excellent student material and a beautiful campus, there in the background in existence is a "Maths Club".

It started in the year 1992-93 with these primary objectives:
  1. To prevent maths from being confined to classrooms and to explore the wide world of maths from outside the text book.
  2. To help students who are uncomfortable with maths and make them enjoy the subject.
  3. To hold creative activities involving maths and have fun with maths.
Srinivasa Ramanujan
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    This club is essentially run by XI students. They organise themselves into groups called Hyperbola, Undefined, Epsilon, Omega, Octopi and recently Infinity. Each group organises competitions based on maths for the rest of the groups. The activities of the club ranges from debates, quizzes, talks, treasure hunts, mathematical mazes and crosswords.
    Significant contribution and motivation for continuing with club activities come from the ex-members of the club.

(Note: All images are copyright © of the Maths Club unless stated otherwise.)